Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So this week I am learning patience.... what do you do when a baby won't stop crying and you have a massive migraine but all that baby wants is to be held? I tried everything in the book and I finally decided to get in the car and drive. It did wonders for the both of us. He fell asleep in the matter of ten minutes and I got to listen to some soothing music to soothe my frustration. It was only about a twenty minute drive before we returned back home and he was  dead asleep and  I got him out of his car seat just for him to fall back asleep in my arms. It was a tender moment even though he's not my baby. Kids are really amazing and teach you so much about yourself, and what type of person you are. I learn everyday that I'm with them that I am nowhere near ready but it is a good goal to have for the future.

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